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C. S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia


Don’t miss one of America’s top 100 most-loved novels, selected by PBS’s The Great American Read. Experience all seven tales of C. S. Lewis's classic...


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Don’t miss one of America’s top 100 most-loved novels, selected by PBS’s The Great American Read. Experience all seven tales of C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, in one impressive paperback volume! Epic battles between good and evil, fantastic creatures, betrayals, heroic deeds, and friendships won and lost all come together in this unforgettable world, which has been enchanting readers of all ages for over sixty years. This edition presents the seven books—The Magician's Nephew; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; The Horse and His Boy; Prince Caspian; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; The Silver Chair; and The Last Battle—unabridged and arranged in C. S. Lewis's preferred order. Each chapter is graced with an illustration by the original artist, Pauline Baynes.


Category: C. S. Lewis
Type: Boeken
Availability: Out Of Stock

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