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Tahereh Mafi

An Emotion Of Great Delight


From bestselling author of the Shatter Me series and the National Book Award-nominated A Very Large Expanse of Sea; Tahereh Mafi; comes a stunning novel...


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From bestselling author of the Shatter Me series and the National Book Award-nominated A Very Large Expanse of Sea; Tahereh Mafi; comes a stunning novel about love and loneliness; navigating dual-identity as a Muslim teenager in America; and reclaiming your right to joy. It's 2003. It's been several months since the US officially declared war on Iraq; and the political world has evolved. Shadi; who wears hijab (a visible allegiance to Islam) keeps her head down. Hate crimes are spiking. Undercover FBI agents are infiltrating mosques and interrogating members of the congregation; and the local Muslim community is beginning to fracture. Shadi hears the fights after services; the arguments between families about what it means to be Muslim; about what they should be doing and saying as a community but she does not engage. She's too busy drowning in her own troubles to find the time to deal with bigots. Shadi is named for joy; but she's haunted by sorrow. Her brother is dead; her father is dying; her mother is falling apart; and her best friend has mysteriously dropped out of her life. And then; of course; there's the small matter of her heart It's broken. Shadi has tried to navigate the remains of her quickly-shattering world by soldiering through; saying nothing; until finally; one day; everything changes. She explodes. Perfect for fans of the Shatter Me series as well as Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give and Nicola Yoon's The Sun is Also A Star.


Category: Tahereh Mafi
Type: Boeken
Availability: Out Of Stock

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